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- Dale thompson
- Steve Osbourne
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- mg info
- oficial
- kinetic faith
- fist full of bees
- bride live 2
- bride live 1
- oddities
- lost reels 3
- the jesus experience
- drop
- lost reels 2
- lost reels 1
- across the border
- scarecrow messiah
- snakes in the playground
- ffob
- age of the age
- silence is madness
- live to die
- discografia
- show no mercy
- fã clube
- white metal
- banda
- sos da vida
- rock
- gospel
- 2009
- trilogia
- brides of dark city
- gardeb if solace
- soul sabbath
- livros de Dale
- bride no brasil
- show cancelado
- sos da vida 2010
- metal
- undergorund
- 2011
- 2010
- Bride
- steve curtsinger
- jerry mcbroom
- troy thompson
- dale thompson
- bride forever
- bf
- the matrix years
- snakes live
- live at cornerstone
- skin for skin
- this is it